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Writer's pictureLeanne Whitfield

The Price I Could Not Pay

Have you ever felt that your sin is so great that God could not possibly forgive you? Have you ever struggled with repeated sin and thought to yourself, “surely God cannot forgive me for this again!”

I remember as a teenager going food shopping with my dad. My mum had been away and he had taken me to the store to re-stock the pantry and fridge for her return. He left what we would buy totally up to me. I excitedly went up and down the isles choosing this and that. When we got to the checkout it dawned on me that there was a price I was going to have to pay! In all my excitement it had not crossed my mind how much it would cost! My fears became a reality when the bill was twice as much as the cash I had in my pocket! Fear and anxiety swept over me. My face turned bright red as I realised I could not pay!

Today, we celebrate a price that has been paid. The cost was far greater than we could ever afford. Only the precious, pure and perfect blood of Jesus could ever pay that price. But do we really believe the last words Jesus spoke before He died?

“It is finished!”

Do we really believe that our sin has been completely forgiven? Or do we struggle with receiving forgiveness and letting it go? Even though God has completely forgiven us and remembers our sin no more (Isaiah 43:25, Hebrews 8:12, Hebrews 10:17) we can sometimes choose to continue to carry the burden of sin, allowing shame or failure to hold us prisoner.

When Christ said, “it is finished!”, ALL was dealt with at the cross and ALL was fulfilled in His resurrection.

It is good and right to remember that we are inadequate and unable to save ourselves. But it is equally as good and right to remember Christ’s words, “It is finished!”, and to know with confidence and security that Christ has paid our debt. Scripture tells us there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, Romans 8:1-2. Feeling stuck in our sin is not God’s plan for us. Galatians 5:1 tells us Christ has set us free and to make sure we stay free. Satan’s plan is for us not to feel free. To make us feel that we are the only person that is so bad we can’t possibly be completely forgiven. That’s a lie!

Christ’s death and resurrection is a complete work: there is nothing that needs to be added to it. When we confess our sin, God remembers it no more, so we need to choose to let ourselves off the hook, leave it all at the cross and stop carrying around what was not meant to be carried!

I remember feeling too embarrassed and ashamed to look my father in the eye at the shops that day. He must have seen my anguish because without saying a word he lovingly lent forward and handed the cashier the money. It was as though he already knew the price was going to be more than I could pay!

God knew we could not pay! That’s why He sent His precious son to pay the full complete price and pronounce, “It is finished!”



Thank you for Jesus complete sacrifice. Thank you that I can bring my sin to you; leave it with you and walk away free. Please help me to not carry the burden of sin that you have already forgiven.


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