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Blog Posts
The Responsibility of Experience
When was the last time you told someone about Jesus? In Mark 5 we read this amazing story of a man possessed by demons. This man’s life...
Hearing Voices
Have you ever thought about the people who are influencing your life? Sometimes we don’t even realize the impact certain voices are...
Who is Teaching You?
I know three teachers who are the best teachers you could ever have. These teachers are full of wisdom and truth. They work long hours...
Struggling With God’s Provision
Are you waiting for God to provide everything you need? There have been times in my life when I have wanted God to swoop in and fix...
Cleaning Out The Carport
What is the condition of your heart right now? I’m not talking about the physical condition, although that is extremely important. Today,...
Am I Giving Good Gifts?
Have you ever given a gift to someone that cost you a lot? It may have cost you a lot financially or it might have cost a lot of your...
Do What the Father is Doing
What if I told you there was a way to live a fulfilling life that was fulfilling without burning you out? By our earthly standards, Jesus...
How To Plan In The Unpredictable
What plans are you making as we embark on a new year? Do have a framework for approaching the year or do you just fly by the seat of...
Celebrating Servanthood
Do you have people in your life that inspire you? Have you ever wanted to imitate someone else’s behaviour because you found it...
Moving From Fear To Freedom
Have you ever struggled with fear? I saw a sign the other day that said, “What is the one thing you would do if you had no fear?” That’s...
Outrunning the Bow Wave
Has God ever asked you to do something and you didn’t want to do it? Recently God was asking me to rest but I didn’t want to! I didn’t...
Courage Under Fire
Have you ever stepped out into something God has told you to do and been absolutely flogged? After healing a man the crowds quickly turn...
The Power Of Thank You
How often do you say thank you to God? In Luke 17:11-19 Jesus heals 10 lepers but only one comes back to thank Him. When you think about...
Why Is Life So Hard?
Have you ever done something half-heartedly and been disappointed with the outcome? There have been diets I have half-heartedly followed...
Don’t Waste Your Time in the Word
This week I want to follow on from last week and focus on turning our time in the word from dreary to captivating. The word of God can be...
Growing Up
Are you open to allowing God to influence your life? The book of Judges says, “In those days Israel had no king, all the people did what...
Not Just Another Book
As a little girl, I marveled at my mother’s bible. Its cover was worn and the corners were scuffed. Every time she picked it up a...
True Worship
Have you ever thought about what true worship looks like? Romans 12, Paul tells us to present our body as a living sacrifice, holy and...
Living Beyond Enemy Lines
Have you ever felt powerless? Have you ever felt that satan seems to have the upper hand in your life? Sometimes we feel powerless. We...
The Word We All Love To Hate
Are there things in your life that you have given up on because it’s all too hard? Thomas A. Edison once said, “Many of life’s failures...
Getting Older And Loving It
How do you feel about aging? During a recent health check, the doctor took a full-body photo for reference. As I looked at the image...
Moving Forward By Looking Back
Do you feel excited about stepping into something new? Sometimes before we can step fully into something new, we need to clean up the...
One Truth That Will Bring Breakthrough To Your Life
If you have been a Christian for more than five minutes you know the frustration of waiting. There are times in our lives when it seems...
Are You Living One ‘Shebang’ Moment To The Next?
Sometimes as Christians we can get obsessed with the next ‘God moment’? You know that moment where we feel the tangible presence of...
Have you ever felt powerless against the unpredictability of life?
I struggled for years, feeling like I was constantly ducking waves only to be hit with the next one.
I finally realised that there was a battle plan I could follow that would provide stability and strength to my life.
Grounded in God's word, this plan changed my life and brought me the peace and security I longed for. I captured it in my book, "Still Standing" and if you would like an e-copy of this book, then just subscribe below....
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