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Do You Know Jesus?

I would love to introduce you to Jesus. He knows you but you may not know Him. Jesus has done something for you that no one else could ever do, including you.

You may not realise this but when God created the world and everything in it, His greatest desire was to have relationship with us. God created Adam and Eve and they had a perfect relationship with God, free from sin. This paved the way for us to also have a perfect relationship with Him.


Then one day Adam and Eve made a decision with eternal consequences that everything changed. They (and we would have done the same) were deceived into believing that we could be just like God and made a decision that brought about a separation between us and God called sin, see Genesis 2:1-3:19.


Because God is Holy and perfect He cannot abide sin so our relationship with Him was damaged. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do ourselves to correct that damage. Trying to be perfect won’t work, following a strict set of rules won’t work, burning a sacrifice won’t work and saying sorry won't work either. All of these things are temporary solutions and unable to be sustained. The damage was too great.


We needed help! We needed someone greater than us to save us. The only way our relationship could be restored was by a perfect, all in one atoning sacrifice being made.


This is where God, because He loves us so much, sent His son to be that atoning sacrifice. Jesus was the only one who could pay the price for everyone, including you.


Jesus was nailed to a cross and died a gruesome death, a sacrifice, for you and for me. However after 3 days Jesus defeated death and was raised back to life. He is now seated with God in heaven.


So why is having a relationship with God so important?

  • God made you and loves you more than anyone else in the world, see John 3:16.

  • God thought of you and planned for you before the dawn of time, see Psalm 139:16.

  • God knows you better than you know yourself, see Psalm 139:13-14.

  • God created you and sees you as His precious child, see Galations 3:26.

  • God does not want to spend eternity without you, see 1 Timothy 2:3-4


Whether you realise it or not there is a longing in your heart, a God-shaped hole that only God can fill. We often try to fill that hole with all sorts of things but it is a longing that only God can fulfil. We need God in our earthly lives.


So how can you respond to what God has done for you?


It is a decision that only you can make, no one can make it for you and it’s simply this.

  • Confess to God that you are a sinner, see Romans 3:23, and the price of this is death, see Romans 6:23.

  • Declare that you understand Jesus has paid the price for you, see Romans 5:8 & Romans 10:8-10.

  • Declare that you accept the gift of grace from God, see Ephesians 2:4-5.

  • Ask Jesus to come into your heart and fill that God-shaped hole, guide you and be a part of your life for the rest of your days.


That’s it!


By making this choice you will change the course of your life forever! You will received God’s gift of eternal life and the Holy Spirit, who will lives in you, helping and guiding you through life.


What do I do now?


If you have made that decision and asked Jesus to come into your heart then you have made a wonderful decision! You are at the beginning of a journey but you are not alone. There is a whole family of people who have made the same decision you have and would love to walk with you.

Here is some things you should do:

  • Tell someone, either a pastor or another Christian so that they can walk with you on this faith journey.

  • Join a local faith community. We are not meant to do this life alone. We need the community and help of other people who believe, see Ephesians 4:1-4.

  • Get a bible so that you can learn more about God and the people who follow him. Learn about what it means to follow Him. Your faith community can help you with this, see Matthew 4:4.

  • Start talking to God. He has been waiting to hear from you! Listen and He will speak to you, see James 5:13-18.

  • Get baptised. The Bible tells us to believe and be baptised. Your faith community will also help you with this, see Acts 10:48.


Lastly, would you consider telling me? It would bring me great joy to know that you have made this life-changing decision. If you feel comfortable sharing, I would love to hear your story.


Click the icon below to email me.

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